A couple of nuggets I found on today's reading excursions:
Day by Day..."When we practice living truth and love, the light of our Higher Power will shine through us." This reminds me of when I was a little girl holding my hand up to the light. The light glowed through, lit it up, the flesh translucent, reddish in hue. Fascinating.
Daily Reflections...aha! Found this on the Web! Click here... Daily Reflections GOD is good...
One Day at a Time in Alanon...September 1..."When our problems enclose us and saturate our thoughts, we find ourselves in an isolation that gives us an acute sense of loneliness. We may confide in friends, but underneath we feel nobody understands what we are going through.
"Dwelling on our troubles only shuts out a world that is waiting to be enjoyed. Nothing has real power to deprive us of the delights to be found in many daily experiences---even a routine household task, well done...I may have big troubles but I can, if I will, make them less painful by turning my thoughts to happier things. I will not isolate myself in my problems. I will observe and enjoy what is good and pleasant in the world around me.
":Let me not deprive myself of the many little joys that are mine for the taking."
September 9..."...an eye-opening, mind-opening question to ask myself: What am I doing with what I got? Instead of crying over what I don't have, and wishing my life were different, what am I doing with what I've got?..."GOD make me grateful for all the good things I have been taking for granted."
September 10..."Let not thy thoughts dwell upon the days of thy sorrows, but rather on those which brought thee brightness and peace."
Courage to Change, August 20..."...as I stumble by, I don't have to do better or differently. The best that I can do is good enough. I can relax and enjoy..."Sometimes we try so hard that we fail to see that the light we are seeking is within us."
September 9..."But I listen. And through other people, my Higher Power does for me what I cannot do for myself. Someone in the meeting shares and expresses the very feelings I am afraid to describe. My world suddenly widens, and I feel a little safer. I am no longer alone....A quote from the Navajo rain dance ceremony,
"As I walk, as I walk,
The universe is walking with me."

Dear Sweet Lord GOD Almighty Creator, thank YOU so much for the bounty of YOUR blessings and love. Thank YOU for this breath of Life. Thank YOU for the multiple opportunities YOU give us to learn our proper place in YOUR Creation. To learn to love and to be loved. To extend our wills to submit to YOU. As YOU Will. Grant us the courage, the knowledge and the willingness to hand it all over to YOU. One day at a time, sometimes one minute
at a time and maybe one second at a time depending on where we are on our hero's journey. We love YOU, Lord. Love, Carol xoxox
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