My heart goes out to all of us who have this challenge. They say, "The truth will set you free." I believe it.
W...willingness to accept
Over and over this threads in my recovery. How honest can I be? About me, myself and I? Not about you and others...just about me. Where do I put myself in harm's way? How do I contribute to the problem? What's my part in it? I see now why the old teachers taught by asking questions. It was a method of discovery and learning.
I've ducked and dodged questions for so long. A memory comes rising out of the mists of childhood where my mother asked me a thousand and one questions. It seemed no matter what I answered, it wasn't good enough. I was gonna get a whipping. I hated her and I hated her questions. Most of all I hated having to answer them.
Now, I'm a big girl with big girl panties plus now I get to ask the questions of myself in a kind, loving, lovable way. I can give me a sweet, accepting, compassionate hug and encourage myself to keep on keeping on the High Road of Recovery, one step at a time, one day at a time.
For this, I am grateful.
Dear Creator, thank YOU for all the showers of YOUR blessings YOU bestow on us all today, tomorrow and yesterday. As YOU Will. Love, Carol