Sunday, April 24, 2016

Today I do have a choice...

I remember when I was a little girl I used to think that I couldn't wait to grow up. I felt very confident that I would do a really good job as a big person, better than my parents who were running the show. I fantasized I would be great at being a mom, a provider, a worker, and anything else I wanted to be. Unfortunately as I grew up, little by little, the confidence was chipped away by life's experiences. Or, maybe it wasn't the experiences, but my reactions to them. I had no tools to help me process those reactions and put them in their proper places.

Today I have Life Tools: the 12 Steps, Traditions and Concepts of Service...They help me define what's my part, mind my own business and stay out of GOD's business---just for Today.

This morning I wake up to a possibility. The possibility of a new day. I can use this day to be of service, to care for myself and others, to be a part of instead of being apart. I can take the point of view that Life is an incredible possibility or I can just act as if it's insignificant, of no value.  This is a Life tool called "Perspective". The skill I need to use this tool is called ”Shifting". It's like, the arm muscle is called ”bicep" and the skill to use it is "flexing" but the decision to do either one is the decision made by making a "Choice".

Just for Today...I choose to connect to my Higher Power and submit to the process of using the program to help me on this journey...yeah! 🐢

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