Thursday, October 10, 2013

Win by Surrendering and Accepting---an inside job

Win by surrendering and accepting. What a concept. Easy to say and hard as hell to do for someone like me. It seems I was born to fight. Fight this and fight that. Plant my banner on every hill in sight. I stand for this. I stand against that. I stand for that and against this. Flipping and flopping all over the place. The Battlefield of BS. Fighting a battle that isn't even mine to fight. The hardest thing for me to do is to relinquish the Will to Win, at all costs. And even harder than the hardest thing for me to do is to pause, relax, submit, turn it all over to my Higher Power and ask for help, guidance and support to do my Higher Power's Will, not mine or any other human's. Jeesh.

If it ain't hard, give me a minute. LOL

Win by surrendering, indeed.

Day by Day, "The physical part of our addiction is not the main factor of our lllness. Many of us have had allergies to things like milk, but we don't have to join Milk Drinkers Anonymous because we couldn't stop...the major contributing factor is spiritual deterioration, the emphasis in recovery should be on the spiritual."

Daily Reflections, "If somebody hurts us and we are sore, we are in the wrong also"-12 and 12, p.90 "Suddenly I saw that I could do something about my anger, I could fix me, instead of trying to fix them...When I am angry, my anger is always self-centered."

One Day at a Time in Alanon (also called ODAT), "Without faith in a power greater than myself, I am like a storm-tossed ship without a rudder. I am flung from one trouble to another; however bravely I may battle the elements, my own strength and wisdom are not enough." 2nd Corinthians-"For we walk by faith, not by sight..."

Hope for Today, "...usually when I'm feeling insane, I'm forgetting my powerlessness and trying to control outcomes or other people...---in other words, when I try to get my way...the inevitable result is pain, frustration, and utter failure...accept my powerlessness and surrender to my Higher Power's will, however, I gain some measure of serenity and humility. I become spiritually teachable.---The pain is not in the surrender and acceptance. It's in the resistence...can put my energy where it can do me some good right now, and surrender to my Higher Power's care."

Courage to Change, "Sometimes the only way I can determine what to accept or what to change is by trial and error. Mistakes can be opportunities to gain the wisdom to know the difference.---A quote from ODAT, 'If a crisis arises, or any problem baffles me, I hold it up to the light of the Serenity Prayer and extract its sting before it can hurt me.'"

Discovering Choices, pgs 127-8, "I found myself reacting with old behaviors...disappointed with how I handled things and feeling judgmental toward myself, I called my sponsor...informed me that I could still practice detachment with love; only perhaps the love I would infuse into the equation could be love for myself. In time, with willingness and the help of the Higher Power, that initial expression of love could shift and grow...important thing, she told me, was that there be love and detachment involved in my own experience of the situation---my Higher Power could take it from there...Detachment with love gave me the space I needed to connect with my Higher Power and to remember my own intrinsic worth, regardless of what family members still suffering...may say."

Dear Sweet Lord GOD Almighty Creator Great Spirit of All, thank YOU for all YOU do to care for us. Thank YOU for the multiple blessings YOU shower, the gifts and miracles evidenced every day of YOUR Love for us all. Please, Lord, help me to be of service to YOU and my family of spiritual sisters and brothers. As YOU Will. Love, Carol xoxox

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