Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Well, today is my son's bithday. He is my 2nd born child and I put him up for adoption to a woman who wanted a child so badly she ached and grieved. There was no doubt in my mind that he would be loved and cared for. I don't know if he will ever know this because I promised her I wouldn't be interfering, changing my mind, etc. I've honored this for 36 years.

It's been hard though. How many times did I put an extra plate on the table or repeat counting heads because I kept thinking I had one more child to feed or take care of? I guess it's just built in the DNA.

Anyway, I lit a candle this morning in thoughts of him. I wish him the very best. May he and his loved ones glow in health, vitality, joy and love.

Today's readings were amazing, as usual...

Discovering Choices, p.172, "...worry is an over-exaggerated sense of my own responsibility...My worrying about it wouldn't make one bit of difference one way or another to him, but it had the potential to paralyze me...learned a new way of acting in life---rather than reacting...I am not God in anyone else's life...Working my own program helps me to accept our many differences."

Hope for Today, p.304, "Trusting, then acting on that trust, was how I could turn my belief into something tangible...I knew my Higher Power was no longer just an idea...Step 2 invites me to develop my trust."

Courage to Change, p.304, "...I too needed to hit a kind of bottom, feel the pain, and reach out for help before I could find any lasting happiness...learned that gratitude and forgiveness are necessary to my peace of mind...Sometimes a tiny action can be a great step toward seeing my life with increasing joy."

ODAT, p.304, "...I learn from examining my own ideas and clarifying them. Many a solution to a difficulty of my own has come to me while I was helping someone else." "Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself?"-Romans

Day by Day, "During our confused times, we must take our bodies to meetings and our heads will follow."

Dear Sweet Lord GOD Creator of it all, thank YOU for the honor and privilege to be here today. Please help me, Lord, to be of service to YOUR Will. As YOU wish. Love, Carol xoxox

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