Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Aging and a hairy chin

Well, I kept watching TV and inevitably I saw a commercial regarding unsightly, unwanted facial hair and how to remove it with an electronic hair burner.  Now, one of the things I never really had was a hairless body.  I'm one of those speciallly gifted with hairy legs, underarms, a slight mustache, etc.  As a young child I paid no mind to such things but as a teenager I felt riveted to ANY slight imperfection.  I mean, if I had a pimple on my butt check, I felt horrified and annihilated.  Jeesh.  So much shame.  I couldn't tell anyone about this.  No way.  I had to look good, avoid looking bad.

Now, fast forward to 58 years old and watching the changes my body is going through is pretty interesting.  Fuzzy hair accents on the sides of my facial chin, a heavier sprinkling of hair on my upper lip, a few rough, strong, wiry dark straggling hairs on my underchin, etc.  Oh, and before I forget, sideburns.  Jeesh.  Now, I tried plucking when there were 2 or 3 but now, forget it!  And shaving was not an option because I always heard this emphasized the unsightly hair growth.  So I bought the hair burner thing.

Now I get to walk around with burn marks where I get carried away or distracted.  Still not perfectly hairless but hey, it's not about perfection at this point.  LOL

Anyway, the whole point about this is I'm willing to try out different things and I'm keeping an open mind about this aging thing.  I do get it that aging is a privilege, not every one gets grow old.  So here I am.  And grateful.

And do get it that the 12 Steps are not for everybody who need the Steps.  The Steps are for those who want them.  And also, there are many paths leading to the same place.

Dear GOD, thank YOU for the priceless gift of Life and the privilege to be here long enough to age on the Earthplane.  Thank YOU for YOU, me and families.  May I do YOUR will and be of service to YOUR children.  Sincerely, Carol xoxox

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