Well, no matter what I do, the "compose" button still doesn't work so I guess HTML will have to do for the meantime! It's been rough...not last Friday, but the Friday before, I dressed to go to work and discovered a tick latched onto my leg...I about fell-out. *shudder* Once thing I can't stand is ticks. Or spiders. Or snakes. Yep. There it was. So finally I was able to remove it by using tweezers and I cleaned the area, disinfected it, then put an antibiotic cream to help heal. Jeesh. It's been rough. What is hard about this situation is not the tick itself...it's what my mind does about the tick. Thoughts become tumultuous, rapid, what if's...what if the tick had Lyme's Disease? What if I now have Lyme's Disease? What would that mean? What does that look like? I don't know. I'll go do a search on the Internet...which brings up a lot of pictures of skin affected by Lyme's...omg...on and on. Then the emotions intertwined within the thoughts...scrambled...knotted together. A mess. I remember when my youngest son learned how to tie knots. He tied just about everthing he could, over and over. One time all the shoes in the house were tied together, strings here and there, a web of activity. Now, just because he knew how to tie doesn't mean he knew how to untie. So guess who did the untying and clean-up? Yep. Me. What a martyr. *hand salute to forehead in a pose of self-pity* Poor me. LOL Anyway, the knotted mess of my thoughts and emotions regarding the tick bite have challenged me to untie...clean it up. I do this by working the Steps. Step 1...I am powerless over the tick bite...it happened in the past, I can't go back to change that...my emotional and mental life become unmanageable with the bombardment of reflex reactions to this event of having a tick bite. Step 2...I believe that a Power Greater than myself is available and cares about me. This Higher Power bestows upon me the capacity to think in an effective way if I am willing to turn myself and my life over to GOD's care. I can take a breath...relax...and trust. I am a human and it is true that a tick bite can be harmful to me but there are things I can do to take care of myself. Dear GOD, help me please in this matter...and so it goes. Do the next right thing...So last night I remembered to heat some water up, cut some white cloth, poured a bit of Epsom salts in the cup of the cloth, made a poutice, then dipped it in the hot water and put it on my owwwie...feels much better. Dear Sweet Lord GOD Almighty Creator, thank YOU for the privilege to be here, for the gift of Life. Please help me be of maximum service to YOU and my brothers and sisters in the Spirit of YOUR Love. Love, Carol xoxox
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