My thoughts took off like a racehorse at the I went...on my Magic Carpet Ride (a phrase a friend of mine uses). Intergalactic speculations on the possible demise of the Earth and its inhabitants, etc.
Talk about fear, terror and despair! Paranoia. Jeesh.
Finally I was able to rein-in my thoughts with the question, "How did I feel before I started thinking about this?"...I felt pretty good, at peace...So...If I could feel at peace without thinking about this material, EVEN IF IT MIGHT BE TRUE, I am powerless to make the Universe change its speed...this is GOD's business, not mine...I can change my thoughts about this. I can change my attitude, whether it's happening or not....b-r-e-a-t-h-e...
And I stopped fixating, obsessing about this. Immediately I was calm, at peace. I went to sleep.
To be awakened by the clashing, thundering sounds of a major violent storm. The howling winds, the house trembling as it shook with the sounds of heavy-thudding bangs of lightening clashing on the landscape outside, all intermingled with an onslaught of steady buckets of rain downpouring...the lights went out...and I remembered the intergalactic traumatic thoughts I'd had earlier so was able to put this storm on the list of things I cannot control, thst I'm powerless over. I might die. I didn't know. That was GOD's business. My business was to Let Go and Let GOD, and do the next right thing...GOD-willing...b-r-e-a-t-h-e...This, too, shall pass...and it did.

Dear Sweet Merciful, Compassionate Creator, thank YOU for the truly remarkable opportunities to be of service to YOU and my spiritual sisters and brothers. Thank YOU for the privilege to live Life. To brethe in YOUR profound blessings of Life, Love and Happiness. May we do YOUR Will, Lord. As YOU will. Love, Carol xoxox
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