Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Building The Muscle of Faith

The spiritual malady takes no prisoners.  It takes to kill.  We die.  The spiritually dead.  Walking around, like we're alright.  Whistling in the dark, fearing nothing and fearing everything.  Telling each other, "I'm fine. How are you?" "Oh.  Me, too.  Things could't be better." We paste our fake smiles on, put on our masks with little eye slits to bloke the view, and go out into the world of those just like us who pretend it is all better than it really is.

We've forgotten.

We've lost touch with our life-line to GOD, the Sunlight of the Spirit, the essence of Life and truly living life.  

Except sometimes, a brief moment or so, we reconnect. 

An aroma wafting by, a glorious sky, a tweeting bird, a child's smile, a dog wagging its tail, a brush stroke of paint, a cat's soft purr, a song to hum with, a body movement, etc.  It feels so good, we want more.

Then...some of us will shrug our shoulders in resignation and cynicism,,,turn our backs and walk away...and go back to our sleepwalking, spiritual zombie life.

And some of us look around, open our heart, mind and eyes to Life, GOD, and true bliss.  We learn to practice kindness, patience, tolerance and love with ourselves and each other.  One day at a time.  We start remembering...the pure joy of just living, being here, embracing our human experience, celebrating life...and thanking GOD.  And having faith we are lovable, loving and loved greatly by our Creator.  When we do this, our muscle of faith grows and grows.  Thank GOD.

April 15'...Confidence is from the physical world and faith is from GOD ...Today I can choose to open the door to freedom and rejoice in the sunlight of the Steps, as they cleanse the spirit within me...I will pause and think before I say anything, lest my anger turns back upon me and makes my difficulties even greater..."When I concentrate on my personal progress, the difficulties over which I have no control will iron themselves out"...Detachment---an opportunity to make a choice.  I can focus on the problem or I can attach to my Higher Power and see what is before me with fresh, new eyes and thoughts.'

Dear GOD, thank YOU again and again for the privilege to be here on Earth, thank YOU for the gift of Life.  Thank YOU for the multiple gifts YOU bestow upon us all.  Most of all thank YOU for who YOU are.  Love, Carol xoxox

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