An old habit, a thought pattern in the process of change...2 steps forward, and 3 more, 4 backward, 1 forward, etc...in a spiral...up, up, up in high places...to bask in the Sunlight of the Spirit...GOD's LOVE. Ahhhhhh....yesssssss....LOL
April 12'...Accepting it as GOD's Will brings GOD's Grace and Glory to all concerned...Ask GOD to help me understand and accept the full meaning of the disease...When I consciously surrender my will to GOD's Will I see FAITH at work in my life...Surrender, accept my discomfort, and pray for guidance.---Things take time. "You cannot create a statue by smashing the marble with a hammer and you cannot by force of arms release the spirit or the soul of man."-Confucius'
Dear Lord GOD Creator, thank YOU so much for the gift of life YOU bestow upon us and the shower of multiple blessings YOU gift us all. Love, Carol xoxox
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