Friday, June 29, 2012

The Baggage and the "Scab"

Andie and I were talking last night about love, friends, acceptance, etc.  She reminds me so much of my boss.  The love they have for others is evident and I told her when I grow up that is how I want to be.  She said I'm already like this I just don't see it.

"Well," I said, "there is still a part of me that is cynical, hard and I know it."

"Like a scab," she said.

Hilarious!  We both erupted into laughter!  That was soooo funny!

"Yes.  Like a scab." I replied.

I remember when I was a little girl with a boo-boo, a scraped knee.  It started to heal by scabbing over and my mom said to leave it alone but I was fascinated.  I hid and picked at it a little.  It was too tender.  A few days went by then I picked at it some more and it loosened some but was still sore. Finally, one day it was picked enough until it fell off.  That felt so good to not have it on my skin anymore.  The minute it was off I felt free...maybe it wasn't freedom from the was freedom from the obsession/compulsion to pick the scab off?  Maybe the "scab" on my love for others is my healing, like Andie said?  I hand this over to my Higher Power.

Anyway, she sent me the picture posted today.  GOD bless and keep, Carol

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