Substance abuse: 65,500,00 pages
Depression: 271,000,000 pages
Feelings: 292,000,000 pages
My blog is just a little, bitty, wee speck among so many. This certainly satisfies my herd instinct! Lol
My son visited me Saturday and he helped take some things to Goodwill. I'm very grateful for his willingness to load up his truck then go drop the stuff off. He is so handsome, intelligent and hard working. His wife is pretty amazing, too. She loves to paint, create, get things done...definitely a producer. I missed seeing her yesterday because they usually visit together.
I still seem to have a stomach problem and today I go to my meetings. I put this in my Higher Power's Hands. I hope to be of service today.
Also, my friend and her husband start today on their yearly trek only this time they are going East. She says she has a feeling about it and doesn't know if she'll make it back. I rebuke this and put her and her husband in the GOD box for additional blessings on a safe return home! I love her for being who she is. She's very caring, attentive and willing to help without having to be asked. She has helped the Spanish Al-Anon meeting by posting flyers and getting the word out. This is truly appreciated. What will Sundays be like with not seeing her at the meetings she so faithfully attends? May GOD bless and keep her.
This is where I work the program because I let go and let GOD. I trust everything will work out just fine without any interference from me. Thank GOD.
Well, I figured out the way to make sure any comments made are kept private from now on.