Monday, June 4, 2012

How hard is it?

The saying is, "If it ain't hard, give me a minute."

I seem to have a natural inclination to complicate things instead of keeping them simple.  Working the 12 Step program means I am willing to follow a few simple directions clearly written about in the book  "Alcoholics Anonymous".

Yes, "after all GOD gave us brains to use".  So I want to analyze, intellectualize, figure it all out, it has to all make sense FIRST before I'm willing to do it, I must know the whys and wherefores, etc.  It's like I have to "think it" then be able to "say it"---as if that is the magic if I can "think" and "speak" my way into sobriety.  When in reality I just need to get off my assmosis and "DO IT".  There is a whole chapter titled "Into Action" not "Into Thinking".

My experience is when I rely on my Higher Power for the solutions to my problems (that in one way or another my self-centeredness and selfishness more than likely contributed to in the first place) I get quicker in the Sunlight of the Spirit solution versus sitting in the murky hellhole abyss of the problem.

Which do I chose today?

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