Monday, July 1, 2013

A Human Being not a Human "Doing"

The spiritual malady affects my ability to see.  Seeing in the physical becomes like an old-timey picture with faded edges, the peripheral blunted and foggy.  Seeing how I really feel or being able to see how others truly feel are blunted, askew.   Disconnected.  The world feels gray, lifeless, or jagged and sharp, what's the point in looking?  The vision line is like using a set of binoculars that aren't even needed.  Too close and I can't see.  Too far and I can't see.  Put them aside and look at it all the way it really is.

Using the Steps, the principles of the program, help me see Life in an entirely different way.  Seems to me, in the movie, The Notebook, one of the characters describes life as having "sparkle".  And it does.  It shines.  When I'm in the Spirit, life seems to become vibrant, vivid, and alive.

One of the phenomena that fascinates me is how the same mind can flip from maximizing everything into massive, desperate, catastrophic proportions then flip , at will, to minimizing everything down to such a subatomic level it almost appears non-existent.  Depending on perspective.  This, in turn, affects the emotions.  Kewl beanz.

This is especially true in the family system besieged by the topsy-turvey, wonky world of addictions.  Everybody gets to take turns at "crazy"  If it ain't one, it's the other.  Depends on who's telling the story.  LOL  Who's got "control"...

I must Let Go and Let GOD.  Who's large and in charge?  Submit and do the deal...surrender to my Higher Power, one day at a time.

Day by Day, "We can be set free by starting today to seek our principals, our truth, our freedom."

Daily Reflections, p.191, "I let myself be comforted in knowing that my life is now in the Hands of a Master Craftsman who is shaping each part of my life into a unique work of art."

Courage to Change, p.183, "...spent far too much time feeling badly about who we are and what we have done...harshly criticized by others or we may have simply lost perspective and become overly hard on ourselves...opportunity to stop that kind of self-destructive thinking...takes time for old doubts to fade and wounds to heal.  Self-confidence...grows with practice...begin by acknowledging that we do have positive qualities...make extra effort to counteract them (negative thoughts) with positive thoughts.  For every defect we identify, we can also try to name an asset...helpful to list 5 or 10 things about our day that we have the right to feel good about before we go to sleep.

"With practice, we learn to treat ourselves with gentleness and compassion. We all have admirable qualities, and we owe it to ourselves to let them shine.  Today I will make an effort to remember that I am a terrific human being."  A quote from Langston Hughes, "Ever'thing there is but lovin' leaves a rust on yo' soul."

As We Understood, p.239, "I had started working the 2nd and 3rd Steps, not out of faith or belief, but because it worked for other people and maybe "It' would work for me.  And I believe"It" did."

One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, p.183, "The gift of life is personally mine---as his belongs to him---to enjoy or destroy, as each of us wishes...Adjusting myself to things as they are, and being able to love without trying to interfere with or control anyone else, however close to me---that is what I search for and can find..."  A quote from Thomas A'Kempis, "If thou attend to thyself and to GOD, thou wilt be little moved by what thou perceivest outside thee."

Hope for Today, p.183, " obstacle to success...dominance. ..learned that sometimes it's necessary for me to let go whether or not a replacement has stepped forward.  No one can pick up the ball until I've dropped it...learned what I view as a finely developed sense of responsibility may actually amount to dominance....I cannot attempt to direct the affairs of the group without standing in the way of the group's recovery or my own."

In All Our Affairs, p.169, "...felt I must be worthy to be loved and tried to earn love.  I was always doing something...heard, 'GOD made us human beings, not human "doings"'....have found by "being" I can enjoy the present, living "One Day at a Time."

Dear GOD Creator of it All, thank YOU.  Love, Carol xoxox

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