Friday, July 19, 2013

The Fantasy and Mind Readers

Such a dramatic personality...if there is no drama, give me a minute.  LOL  In my mind there exists a creative energy that is remarkable in its intensity, leaping to the future or the past, lurching into uncharted scenarios, generating possible or impossible possibilities, all in a blink.  One of the things my mind creates is that other people can read my mind and not only know what I want or don't want...they'll take care of it for me.  This phenomena is subtle, subliminal, unobtrusive until the expectation falls flat...then I feel sad, angry, afraid, disappointed, retaliatory...oh, yeah.  Well, take this---whaaaaaaa.  A full-scale temper tantrum ensues.  But in the grown-up version...Jeesh.  

Hope for Today, p.201, "...I still yearn to have one other person in my life whose sole job is to anticipate and meet all of my needs without my having to ask...My undertaking now is to grow beyond this childlike fantasy by taking responsibility for getting my wants and needs met instead of expecting others to do it for that help me most with this challenge are Tradition 7 and "Let It Begin With Me".  Tradition 7 suggests being fully self-supporting...need to remember to support myself emotionally.  Even if no one else seems to notice or commend my growth and courage, I can pat myself on the back.  "Let It Begin With Me" reminds me that no one is a mind reader.  If I want or need something, I have to let someone know.  I need to ask, which means taking risks.  Maybe my request will be granted; maybe it won't.  If it is, great.  If it isn't, I'll still feel better for having asked, and then I can move on to someone else who might be able to help me.  I am powerless over alcoholics and alcoholism.  I no longer have to be powerless over me."

Dear GOD Almighty...thank YOU.  Love, Carol xoxox

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