Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Backlash: Stronger I get, the sneakier the disease gets

Finally the doctor appointment arrived and she said I did a really good job of taking care of the problem.  She referred me to a dermatologist to look at it because he might remove the "gland" (I thought it was a pore?) because the architecture has been altered.  Jeesh.  Fancy words.   Is she sugar-coating?  Do I have a bigger problem than I realize?  More will be revealed.  I'll work on asking GOD to please help me keep an open mind and do the next right thing.  One day at a time.

One Day at a Time, p.202, "What is important and within our GOD-given powers to figure out, is what we are doing that confuses and complicates life for us.  When we discover that, and do something to change it, a good many of our troubles will vanish.  Every time I catch myself trying to figure out other people's motives, I'll stop and ask myself,"What did I say or do that prompted the action?  Why did I react to it as I did?  Does what happened make a major difference to me, or am I making something big out of a trifle?"  A quote from Thomas A'Kempis, "Leave off that excessive desire of knowing, therein is found much distraction.  There are many things the knowledge of which is of little or no profit to the soul."

In All Our Affairs, p.190, "...after taking positive actions for myself, I often experience uncomfortable aftereffects, which I call "backlash"...felt as if I had no recovery and that I had been ridiculous to even think for a second that I could do anything good for myself...occurs less and less frequently, backlash continues to arise when I take positive actions for myself...consider it one of the effects...learned to deal with it in various ways...remind myself that this "voice" is my disease and that whatever it has to say is a lie...Calling an Al-Anon friend will almost always set me on track.  Going to an Al-Anon meeting...enables me to remember that, although I am getting better, the stronger I get, the sneakier the disease gets.  Now that I understand more about how the disease works, I am learning to just accept this backlash rather than fight it and give it more power."

Dear Creator, I love YOU and thank YOU for loving me.  Please use me to be of maximum service to YOU and my sisters and brothers.  As YOU Will.  Love, Carol xoxox

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