Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Every Day as a New Beginning

I'm struggling to write anything this morning.  Probably because I had such a difficult time going to sleep last night.

As I'm aging, my body is doing weird things.  In my mind, I'm the same as I ever was but in reality...not!  You know how there are people who look EXACTLY like they did at 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95...or better?  For example:  Cher, Joan Rivers, Jane Fonda, to name a few.  Uh, yeah.  I'm definitely not one of those!  omg  The changes.  I remember one time I hadn't seen my mom in a couple of years and she asked me, "Who are you?"  "Me, mom, it's Carol," I answered as I peered out at her from the changing form of my body.  Jeesh.

Anyway, about 3 or 4 years ago I used baby powder under my breasts.  I loved the smell and how it felt but apparently clogged a skin pore.  At first it was like a small pimple.  I showed it to my nurse practitioner who said, whatever the heck she said, and I let it go, no problem.  Well...here recently it's grown into a problem.  It swelled, is the size of a 50 cent piece, and hurts.  Jeesh.  I played "doctor" and applied hot, wet, sterile cloths to draw it out.  So now I have a protruding nodule, throbbing and hurting.  I showed it to Sho and he wants to prick it to release the stuff inside.  I'm scared to do this.  What if I got the skin-eating disease, what if it turned to cancer, what if it spread deeper than what I know, what if it entered the bloodstream, what if, what if, what if... tell you what, just imagining kicks my butt!  LOL I might as well take care of it, whatever "it" turns out to be and stop the procrastinating.

So, I'm calling the doctor's office, making the appointment, acting mature, taking responsibility...and walking the talk.  Yeah!  I am growing-up, not just growing old.  LOL

Hope for Today, p.191, "When I'm thinking about personalities, my mind is too full to hear the principles being shared."

As We Understood, p. 251, "A new season is fast approaching, but I have a program to help me deal with old age and it will help me look at every day as a new beginning."

In All Our Affairs, p.175, "...They were chains with links made of other people's rules, other people's opinions, old guilt, and old resentments...When I become aware of the freedom in a given area and able to make choices that I never knew possible, I usually realize that I could have been free all the time if I had only recognized it...The dog is a big German shepherd who is kept in a backyard with a 4 foot fence around it.  When he was a puppy, he tried to jump the fence and found he couldn't.  He has never learned that he can now jump it any time he wants.  He thinks he is still hemmed in by something bigger than he can handle.  He is confined by his own perceptions."

Dear Sweet Lord Creator, thank YOU for the abundance of each moment.  Thank YOU for the multiple blessings YOU bestow on us all.  I pray for knowledge of YOUR Will and the courage, strength, wisdom and the Willingness to Accept and TO DO IT.  Lord, please help me be of maximum service to YOU and my brothers and sisters.  As YOU Will.  :Love, Carol xoxox

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