Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Barely Noticeable...but definitely there

Have you ever watched a movie and really noticed the extras in the scenes?  Blended in the background.  Negligibly noticeable.  I saw some news clips from the state capitol this morning and noticed the women in the background.  Barely noticeable.  Why did I find that so interesting?

Anyway I'm working on taking care of my owiee-boo-boo.  Already I'm feeling a little better.  Thank GOD.

You now, when I started blogging I stopped writing in my journal after awhile.  Maybe it's time to start writing again.  You know...old school.  I'm willing to start again...just for me.  :-)  Actually a good friend suggested I get back on it...ok.

Day by Day, "We are entitled to our opinions, but we are not entitled to lay traps on those around us."

Daily Reflections, p.201, "The situation may not change, but as I practice exercising humility, I enjoy the peace and serenity which are the natural benefits of placing my reliance in a power greater than myself."

One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, p.192, " sufferings aren't properly understood---people can't even begin to appreciate what a martyr I am!  I think to myself:  "It's easy enough to talk, but how can I smile when there's nothing to be happy about?"...found that a deliberate effort to "laugh it off" does have the most astonishing results in shrinking my woes down to bearable size."

Courage to Change, p.192, "...lose perspective of who we are and what we can and cannot do...accept ideas about our own limitations that have no basis in reality...sort out the truth from the falsehoods by  encouraging us to take a fresh, objective look at ourselves...had a distorted self-image...never thought to question my beliefs but when I took a good look, I discovered that they were untrue....won't let old, limiting ideas and doubts go unchallenged...may discover strengths and talents that never had the chance to come to letting go of obsolete ideas...have opportunity to learn something wonderful about myself."  A quote from Richard Bach, "Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours."

Hope for Today, "...teaches me to pray, look at myself and my attitudes, and then take action...action means detaching from people's behavior and giving them the same acceptance, consideration, and respect for which I long...practice "Live and Let Live"...When I don't expect perfection from others or myself, I am free to participate and be a part of life. A sense of belonging is as necessary to my spiritual health as air is to my lungs."

As We Understood, p.252, "...realized I was reacting to his self-pity...have learned that self-pity is clouded reality...prevented me from seeing anything positive in my life...suddenly, I felt compassion, not because he was deprived...but because he was dwelling in the negativity I was released from..."

In All Our Affairs, p.176, "...learned that no one but I can determine what I should or should not do.  I thank the program for giving me the strength to do what I believe is correct."

Dear Sweet Creator of it all, thank YOU.  Love, Carol xoxox

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