Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Well, I had a hard time going to sleep and finally about 2 am I decided to get up out of bed.  I remembered "The Four Agreements" book was on-line so I went to the Internet.  What I l-o-v-e about Amazon.com is it's open 24/7!  I bought then downloaded the book onto my Kindle.

Wow.  I also l-o-v-e my Kindle because it has text-to-speech capability.  I can choose whether a male or female voice reads the book aloud.  Love it!

So, while the Kindle's female voice read the book to me, I worked on beading a blouse I like.  I felt relaxed and peaceful.  When I did fall asleep it was about 4 am but I had a deep and restful sleep.  I relaxed.

How I worked my Steps in this situation, the 1-2-3 contained in the Serenity Prayer:   I kept trying to force myself to go to sleep but it didn't work.  I felt powerless.  Seemed the more I pushed on me, the worse it got.  I admitted I was powerless over the insomnia and my life was unmanageable.   I realized I'm not the Higher Power because if I was, why couldn't I make me go to sleep when I wanted it so much?  As soon as I "came to", awakened to the Great Reality there is a Higher Power and it ain't me, things changed.  I remembered it's supposed to be good to get out of bed when having trouble sleeping.  I remembered to keep an open mind and the willingness to accept suggestions given by trusted sources.  I remembered "The Four Agreements" book my friend had recommended I read.   I remembered the Kindle, the blouse, etc.  I LET GO AND LET GOD and it all came together without me trying to force a solution.  Whew!  Thank GOD.

1 comment:

LuluD said...

I hadn't realized how the steps would help with insomnia until last week when it struck. I stayed cool, also, enjoyed a book I just got from the library. I talked to my dogs. Good practice in letting go since I normally begin an inner dialogue of "I need to sleep" answered by "I can't sleep." And, again I feel very alone at these moments, so your postings remind me of my humanity. Oh yeah, I'm human.