Thursday, May 10, 2012

Step 5

I finished writing my inventory on psoriasis, obesity and clutter.  I will meet with my sponsor this Saturday. She is a female, has worked The Steps, I have known her for a long time and I trust her.  Most importantly, I trust her. I know she will give me feedback and honor the process. This will be Step 5.

In an AA meeting there is a singleness of purpose:  to carry the message that the 12 Steps can help alcoholics recover from alcoholism.

In an Alanon meeting there is a singleness of purpose: to carry the message that the 12 Steps can help people suffering from the effects of being involved with other people's alcoholism.
Same thing for other addiction meetings.

Learning how to use the Steps has been my goal.  Reading the Steps is not enough.  Memorizing the Steps is not enough.  The actual practice has been critical to my recovery.  I've got to do the work. Going to meetings is important, too, but I MUST work the Steps.

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