Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Loving it...just for today

So I went and dropped off a large bag of oranges and also some pomegranates for my grandchildren last night.  Sho and I are invited to go to their house on Thanksgiving Day, as usual.  There will be many family and extended family members.  I thanked them for the invitation but we probably won't go since I'll be working and Sho will watch the game at home.  We will prepare the turkey, fixings, etc. but like the quiet, sedate, peace instead of the hyper-activity of very large family gatherings.

Although, when our children were at home, we provided a nice celebratory event for them.  Games, running and playing, art, etc.  Football or a basketball game.  Food galore.  Music.  I'd play guitar and they knew all the words of most any song I played.  Just a nice, family festive time.

Now Sho and I are chilling the most.  :)  Kicking back.  And l-i-k-i-n-g it.  :)

I know, I know...we "should" be doing Thanksgiving like expected, BUT we want to do it this way.

What I enjoy is watching them have a good time creating their own celebration and  enjoy themselves.  Cute.  :)  Pass it on...

Just for today, I hope to continue to relax, be at peace, and enjoy my life.  It may not be perfect, okay it's far from perfect, by anyone else's standards, but it is my life.  This is the only one I get and for me, the biggest deal is that I enjoy it.  Enjoy living it.  Share this brief time here on earth with others.  GOD bless and keep you all during the holiday season.  Drive safe and stay-off those darn cellphones while driving!  Love, Carol xoxox

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