Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Burning Ring of Fire

Well, night before last, about 10:15pm there was a knock at the door.  Elvis was barking and Sho went to answer it.  An elderly white man stood outside and asked if we were burning anything in the back yard because there was a fire.  Sho and he raced over to see, dragged the water hose, turned the water on then sprayed the fire.  I ran to the bathroom window and was able to see the fire as they doused it with water.

The fire itself was about 10 feet in circumference.  A perfect ring, like a glowing red, dancing, stenciled, neat line.  It looked eery in the pitch dark of the night.  Like in a movie.  Anyway, I called 911 and the bomberos (firemen) came to help.

No problem.  The fire was out and they just made sure there were no smoldering embers around.

Apparently what happened was a leaning utility pole's wires had brushed another pole, a spark fell to the ground, and since there was absolutely no wind blowing,  it burned the leaves and brush in a slow, outward circle.  Amazing.

In the morning, the electric company came and repaired the wire, pole, etc.

 NOTE:  update:  encountered this beautiful group singing...a ring of fire by the dearly departed Johnny Cash

Sho agreed GOD was so obviously involved in helping us with that fire.  In how many ways it's hard to say.   It is definitely a miracle.  Thank YOU, Higher Power.
A humbling experience.  One more thing to be grateful for.  Divine intervention.  Yeah!

Last night I went to an Alanon speaker meeting and had the privilege of listening to Mary #1 tell her story.  Afterward I saw Blackbelt Al-Anon Mary had a lovely, large yellow book titled "Twelves Steps of Adult Children:  Steps Workbook".  She had an extra one in her car so I bought it for $10.  I am all into recovery literature.  I love the mental chitter-chatter of reading these authors' conversations.  Also, I found it online at....

Anyway, I've learned to keep an open mind, a willing heart and acceptance that more will be revealed as the journey unfolds.  Love, Carol xoxox

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