1. Angry
2. Happy
3. Afraid
4. Sad
But why did he tell me to connect with my body? Because it doesn't lie. It just is. If I connect and listen to it, it tells me how it really is.
The most powerful time in the world is in the here and now. But how do I get in it? How do I know where I am? In the matrix of times past, present, future, what might have been, etc.?
I've noticed if I'm feeling overly stimulated, anxious, agitated, angry, annoyed...I'm not in the present moment.
If I'm overwhelmingly sad, withdrawn, dejected, neglected, abandoned, depressed, etc. I am not in the present moment.
How do I get in the present moment? I crinkle my toes and feel the sensation of what my toes are feeling. The instant I register the feeling of what my toes are scrunching on...I'm here. I'm in the NOW. Simple. The body doesn't lie. It works for me every time.
There are many, many ways to accomplish this. I did an Internet search of "how to get in the present moment" and this was the result.

Step 1... Sincerely, Carol xoxox
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