Well, this morning I drive Sho to Chuco's house (his cousin) then I plan to dropoff some recycle stuff, come back to the house and clean Hunter's (my car) upholstery. Later, I'll give Hunter a bath at the carwash. Elvis might get a bath this morning, too. I'm not as motivated to bathe Elvis because after taking the time to clean and groom him usually he will run outside to roll in the dirt. Sometimes his face is so cute and I tell him he looks like a Geisha dog with the dry powdered dirt outlining his eyes, mouth and face. He acts like he's very proud of himself as he walks with his head up and his tail waving high fives. Adorable. I feel so happy with my dog. He's a nice companion to keep me company while I read, work in the garden, etc. He is really something else and I admire him so much. There are times when he embarrasses me and I tell him to stop. Mainly when I take him with me to town because whenever he sees people walking by or towards Hunter, especially if a person is "flying" a sign like, "Hungry...will work for food" on a street corner, Elvis lunges at them as he snarls, growls and barks like he's going to hurt them. Jeesh. He's calming down but it is a process.
Today is when I get myself to an AA, an Alanon then a Spanish Alanon meeting. This is part of my treatment plan. Whether I like it or not, it is important in the recovery process. A large part of my conversation today will center around recovery from a ruthless, indiscriminate, deadly fatal spiritual malady and what it takes to stay recovered. My illness is in remission on a daily basis. I am not cured and will never be "cured" of this illness. This remission relies on my honesty, openmindedness, and willingness to stay on task with the 12 Steps and avoid ass-mosis. Starting the day by reading pages 86-88 of the big book, Alcoholics Anonymous", beginning with the paragraph "On awakening..."is guaranteed powerful medicine for it helps set the structure for the rest of the day. The ideal. Sobriety (a healthy, happy, joyous and free state of heart, mind, soul and spirit) is contingent on connecting and staying connected to carrying the vision of GOD's Will in all my affairs or activities. Just for today may I do GOD's Will.

Lord, just for today, I will not fight You,
Nor anticipate Your desires for me.
Just for today, I will be happy
Doing Your will, instead of my own.
Just for today, I will laugh more, and complain less.
Just for today, I will not only count,
But see, my blessings.
I will remember that home is heart, And not hearth.
Just for today, I will not belittle myself;
Goodness knows, there are plenty of others To do that for me.
Just for today, I will remember that I am a child of God,
And that in belittling myself,
I belittle the One who made me.
Just for today, I will remember that You are not only with me,
But that You are holding me close.
Just for today, I will feel special to myself;
And I will love me, even as You have loved me.
Just for today, The only person I will rescue is myself.
I will not try to save the world, just for today.
Just for today, I will feel peace;
Knowing that there is Someone greater than I
To deal with my problems.
Just for today, I will allow You to be God. I will be Your reflection.
I will not try to create You in my image.
Just for today, I will cease to block Your love,
And I will allow the passion within me,
To embrace the lover of my soul.