I was at the police station and there was a clothes closet with wooden shelves exquisitely manufactured! Each partition was clearly marked, the appropriate sized clothes in each labeled slot...wow! I marveled at the structure, the organization, the hugeness of it all. I saw an envelope and opened it to find a business card with the name "Erik Martin", my impression was he supervised their clothes closet program. I remembered when the shelter I work at used to have a closet but it was nothing like this!
The next dream:
I was on an outdoors landing and I was walking down the stairs to the ground level because I was working on the exterior. I needed help so I filled a request form and wrote in big block letters: "ROCK WORK NEEDED".
I'm told that dreams are gifts from the subconscious and are coded gems to be used to help me...now I just need to decode them. Jeesh. Not one of my strongest points. Well, here goes. What the heck, they are my dreams...
Seems to me the first dream is about my 12 Steps program and how I'm wanting to re-work the 4th Step, actually re-work all of them, restructure, reformat. I've worked all the Steps before and it's been good...now it can be bigger and better than ever. "Erik Martin" is a play on "Earth Martian" where I am to use my observation skills as if I were a Martian visiting for the first time, duly noting all that transpires in my field of vision.
The second dream again addresses my need to rework the rock foundation of my program and to ask for help from my sponsor. The dream also points to a physical problem I've been having. After I took the acid re-flux medication my bowel system is having problems that no matter what I do it continues...I need to ask for help with this.
!. Today I'll call my doctor to schedule an appointment.
2. Today I'll start re-working my program's fundamentals.
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