Back in the 60's there were posters saying, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life". So, whew! I had a chance for a fresh, new start only to end-up screwing up again and again, way off track, no program, no direction. So what? Reckless and thinking I'd just start again and again.

OA has a saying, "Any day above ground is a good day." How true. What a privilege to be here. I can choose to embrace each moment as if it's the very last one or act like it really doesn't matter because, please believe me, I have a magical thinking mind. I seem to have the uncanny ability to make a mountain out of a pimple or shrink wrap denial into a little bitty hangnail. I even do this with life's moments when careless and not paying attention:
Riddle: What's the price of life?
Answer: Not paying attention.
So it's important for recovery from the malady of the spirit for me to stay on track, develop discipline, continue going to meetings, praying and meditating, work the Steps, read the literature, journal, using the phone to call program friends to stay connected, blah blah. It's not enough to know the information. I've got to put it into action and work with others. This gives meaning and purpose to my life. I'm not here just to eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, work, a survival drone. There is a higher purpose. To stay connected by working the Steps leading to the Higher Power and help others work the Steps, etc. then the pay-off....... "We shall be with you in the Fellowship of the Spirit as you trudge the Road of Happy Destiny."---page 164, big book of "Alcoholics Anonymous"
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