I just finished writing my boss a letter and I'm getting ready to go to a doctor's appointment for my annual physical. This is a quick blog for the day. My friend, C., who is on her roadtrip vacation with her husband and 2 dogs gave me these printouts of The Problem and The Solution. More gifts from the Universe. Yeah!
Many of us
found that we had several characteristics in common as a result of being
brought up in alcoholic or other dysfunctional households.
We had come
to feel isolated and uneasy with other people, especially authority figures.
To protect
ourselves, we became people pleasers, even though we lost our own identities in
the process. All the same we would
mistake any personal criticism as a threat.
We either
became alcoholics ourselves, married them, or both. Failing that, we found other
compulsive personalities, such as a workaholic, to fulfil our sick need for
We lived
life from the standpoint of victims. Having an over developed sense of responsibility,
we preferred to be concerned with others rather than ourselves. We got guilt
feelings when we trusted ourselves, giving in to others. We became reactors
rather than actors, letting others take the initiative.
We were
dependent personalities, terrified of abandonment, willing to do almost
anything to hold on to a relationship in order not to be abandoned emotionally.
We keep
choosing insecure relationships because they matched our childhood relationship
with alcoholic or dysfunctional parents.
symptoms of the family disease of alcoholism or other dysfunction made us
'co-victims', those who take on the characteristics of the disease without
necessarily ever taking a drink.
We learned
to keep our feelings down as children and keep them buried as adults. As a
result of this conditioning, we often confused love with pity, tending to love
those we could rescue.
Even more
self-defeating, we became addicted to excitement in all our affairs, preferring
constant upset to workable solutions.
This is a
description, not an indictment.
The Solution
IN ACA, we
find the tools that enable us to put the past to rest, to heal and to build
meaningful adult lives.

Through working the program daily we begin to change attitudes and
habits that do not work into rewarding and productive ways of living.
The new understanding we find through sharing our experience, strength
and hope with others improves our relationship with ourselves and others.
In addition
to meetings, the tools of ACA include: The Twelve Steps; The Slogans; a
Sponsor; the Traditions; Service to the Group; the Support of the Group and
Telephone Contact.
The 12
Steps give us the tools to accept ourselves, to leave the shame behind and they
provide us with a framework for living our day to day lives.
The Slogans
help us to deal with stress.
Our Sponsor
guides us through our program of recovery.
Traditions insure that the Group will continue to be available to us.
Serving the
Group strengthens both ourselves and the Group.
The Support
of the Group provides us with the safety and acceptance we need to recover.
Contact allows us to reach out to others we relate to at any time.
Our experiences
have shaped us. It is our responsibility to discover who we are, to build our
self esteem and to repair any damage done to us or by us.
We are no
longer alone. With the help of our program, we will recover.
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