Sunday, July 15, 2012

Trying-out the 4 Agreements

Well, Sho's transmission went out so I gave him a ride this morning.  I took Elvis and Stitch for the ride and he yelled at them a couple of times because they barked loudly at a bicyclist, then at some joggers.  I kept my mouth shut, after all, there really wasn't anything I wanted to say that was helpful ...I worked the 1st agreement:  Keep my word impeccable.  We stopped at a Mexican restaurant and he went in to buy some tacos.  I imagined all kinds of stuff while waiting for him. He was probably this and probably that, etc.  Flirting with someone, doesn't really want to be with me, etc.  Apparently I do this automatically, quite effortlessly constructing a whole other reality for him...without even asking.  So I practiced the 3rd agreement:  don't make assumptions, if I really want to know...just ask.  Irregardless what he wants or doesn't want I can practice the 2nd agreement:  don't take it fledgling flight using Agreements 1, 2 and 3...yeah! I'm re-reading "The Four Agreements".  I'm pretty slow but eventually I'll succeed at integrating this format, using these tools for recovery.  I'm a 12 Stepper and I am willing to keep an open mind to listen to what others have to offer...more will be revealed...

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