I have a hard time with this because I much prefer to live in the virtual reality in my head than the reality that kicks my butt. There is a contraption called "virtual reality glasses" that helps gamers play their video games. Who needs these when I practically can live in the inner/outer spaces of my mind, free of charge, where I play so many games, all by myself, where no one else is really there except the avatars I create of them? In the virtual reality of my mind I arrange the stage, place the actors, run the scripts, light control, direct the action, edit, wrap it up. And in my mind, that's how it all SHOULD be. Because I say so. A "god" has spoken. Crazy. Jeesh.

Whereas when I rely on my Higher Power who unerringly glides my world safely throughout the multiverses of you and me and everybody else, life flows so much better, sweeter, easier than with me in the control navigator seat.
So, I may talk as smooth and fast as I want but when I listen with my eyes I can hear what my behavior is really saying loud and clear. What's my message? I may need to Let Go and Let GOD to find out.
From google.com search I found: Observe, not speak...If a person’s words say one thing and their nonverbal communication says another, you are wont to listen to the nonverbal communication – and that is usually the correct decision...Research has identified seven universally recognized facial expressions (joy, sadness, fear, surprise, anger, contempt, and disgust). These emotions are expressed the same way for all people regardless of background or situation. So feel confident to get out there and start listening with your eyes
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