Just imagine how inconvenient our primitive ancestors must have had it when they gathered around campfires as they huddled for safety, warmth and connection. Their herd instinct satisfied as they told each other stories by grunting and gesturing. The silhouette shadows dancing and pantomiming their hunting stories of prowess and power to kill or be killed by the huge saber-toothed tiger, hairy mammoth,Tyrannosaurus Rex or whatever else they had to contend with.
Now we huddle in a spot with a computer screen in front of us and click buttons. We play games within games and spend time, hours and hours of time, as if it is of no value. Our basic human contact translated from computer to computer. There is also a magic to this, I suppose. It is powerful to think something then type, and poof! There it is in writing and click...lots and lots of people can read it, close to real time, around the world. The skills for survival have changed but our need for stories is the same.
I've heard the technology of a human being is we are natural born storytellers. Another word for storyteller is a liar. Basically, I'm a natural born liar and I struggle with telling the truth. Apparently I'm not unique and rather common, at that. I make-up stories in my head, then I act as if they're true and this gets me into trouble a lot of the time because other people have their own stories going on and sometimes our worlds collide. Jeesh. Before I forget, also add mind and mood-altering stuff to the mix. Wow. Now what we got here? Multiply this by how many untreated alcoholics, food addicts, sex addicts, drug addicts, gambler addicts, etc. and survivors of such there are in the world. Master Storytellers or better known as Master Bullshitters that believe their own BS stories. LOL What to do with such mayhem? Individuality is really something to aspire for but how do we achieve this in the real world where our "worlds" can co-exist or collide?

The 12 Steps and the 12 Traditions are powerful BS sifters. It's hard to BS a Master BSer. It takes one to know one. A cocaine addict can BS an alcoholic pretty easily but not another cocaine addict. The levels of deception are different. It is kind of like a key. Most keys look alike but each has slots specific for its own lock. An alcoholic can dance and punk slap the crap out of an untreated Alanon but is unable to do the same to a black-belt Alanon fortified by the 12 Steps. The difference is the program. A simple set of spiritual tools freely given that help sift the truth from the BS. I'm one of those who needs this program because it works when life happens and that's when I need it most. So my experience is it works when I work it. Thank GOD! LOL
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