Saturday, August 25, 2012

Six P's in a Pod

Yesterday the Physical Therapist called to say I have been approved by Workman's Compensation to get 9 sessions.  Awesome.  The one appointment I went to was such a relief!  She explained I am no longer in the Acute stage.  I am in the "Chronic" one.   I can tell the difference but I still hurt.  I received a letter from the other driver's insurance company which stated my claims case was transferred to a Sr. Claims rep. so I will call them on Monday to find out what that means.  I also received a letter from Workman's Comp. and it had a plastic card which will pay for any medications needed as a result of the accident.  I cried.  I just sat there and blubbered.   I'm such a crybaby at times.  The morass of self-pity I know so well as I sink into feeling sorry for myself and my tale of woe.  I'm full of it.  LOL  Anyway,  I felt grateful for the relief knowing I am provided for by Work Comp, that I wasn't just floundering with no way to get help.  I still struggle with having had to file for W.C., that my employer's insurance has to help me when the other driver's insurance hasn't helped me at all...and it was his liability, his responsibility that he hit my car!  Jeesh.  B-r-e-a-t-h-e.

I am one of the working poor in that I live pretty much from paycheck to paycheck.  So when a so-called "little" accident messes me up, the consequences can be pretty traumatic on a lot of levels, not only physical.  The streets of many cities around the world are littered with people like me, who from one trauma or another ended up homeless, destitute, and stuck as they grow dependent on hand-outs instead of a hand-up out of the mire.   There, but for the grace of GOD, go I.  And I know it.  I'm one of the lucky ones in I still have a strong relationship with my Higher Power, sobriety, a family and a domestic partner that love me, a bed to lay my head on at night, a job, a weeble-wobble uglier car but at least it gets me from A to B and back, brothers and sisters in the program and on and on and on...the multiple blessings of the 12 Steps because if I didn't have this program I feel very confident my story would be extremely different today.  Today I know to live my life effectively in the Sunlight of the Spirit is to apply the 12 Steps to all my problems, just for today keep a honest heart, an open mind, and a willingness to do the work....Step 1...

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