Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Quiet Saturday Evening

Beau and Bonny brought their sofa to us yesterday because of upgrading to a larger, different style.  They helped load our old one on the truck then Sho and I went to a second-hand store where he dropped it off.  Afterwards we drove to different vehicle dealerships as we looked to find a truck he can afford to purchase but to no avail.

Stitch n Elvis when they were little they're big dogs.
We arrived home where Stitch and Elvis greeted us at the door.  They seem to have a routine where they both cry and howl at the door like they are heart-broken wolves on a cold, lonely moonlit night.  Silly dogs. They are entertaining though.  They are so ecstatic, happy, besides themselves with joy to see us.  They run around and around, doing tricks, expressing themselves, their eyes dancing.  Cute and so lovable. 

I drove to town to buy dogfood and took Stitch with me.  We walked into Petsmart, got the food, etc.  When we returned home Sho was making chicken soup and the aroma wafted out the door as we walked in.  The football game was blaring in the livingroom which he watched by looking out the kitchen window (he'd installed himself many years ago over the stove) as he chopped vegetables, etc.

We ate dinner, fed those crazy dogs, and enjoyed our evening together as we took turns letting one dog out at a time to run outside free for awhile until they'd bark at the door, ready to come back into the house.  A quiet evening except for that football game where Sho would yell at the plays, etc.  Hilarious.  I've been guilty myself of this behavior when swept up into the drama!

Anyway, I feel grateful for the moments and days like this.  I look at the magnitude of the sky, the trees, grass, etc. and feel full of gratitude, awe, and love for the Higher Power who bestows these multiple blessings surrounding us all.  Very grateful indeed.  Love, Carol hugs-n-kisses

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