Also, it's interesting how people react to the idea of therapy. One of my co-workers has never been to a therapist and probably never will. Whereas another co-worker is a therapist and fully embraces the process of self-disclosure, open-expansive healing. Some people are completely put-off with the idea of mental health and taking care of it. But really, mental hygiene is just as important as dental, physical, sexual, financial, spiritual, etc. I have heard about red and yellow, brown, black and white, smart and dumb, rich, poor, educated, uneducated, scientists, cashiers, psychiatrists, pediatricians, police officers, judges, lawyers, astronauts, movie stars, athletes, doctors, nurses, teachers, students, parents and children, etc. who don't and won't address their inner needs so then they end-up acting-out and on the headlines, exposed in all their human goriness instead of their glorious-ness.

I have lived in the shadows. I know what it's like to be on the outside-looking-in. Living in the grip of addiction is exactly this. Lurking in the shadows, brief skitters into the light, wanting, hoping but never getting it. Scattered, chaotic, destructive trails of where it took me. Like the aftermath of a skipping, back and forth tornado. But I couldn't see it. I could see it in others but never in me. Denial has its place. It looks a heck of a lot better on others than on me. I had a hard time owning it. I am still slow in this area but I'm still growing. Yeah!
For today, I want to live in the full Sunlight of the Spirit. I know what to do and that is work those darn-tooting Steps! Jeesh. So I pick them up and just do day at time. And if therapy is a part of my recovery, so be it because half-measures avail me nothing. It takes what it takes. Sincerely, Carol
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