Before arriving in the 12 Steps program I really didn't know or understand how I contributed to life's problems. Thanks to working the Steps, I see a clearer picture of my character defects. A healthier perspective where I can accept and forgive myself for having limitations without condemning my humanity as I grow in love, tolerance and acceptance of myself and others with the help of my Higher Power as I continue to strive for my ideal. At the core of self-centeredness is E.G.O . Here are a few of the ways self-will/ego manifests itself and can block me from the Sunlight of the Spirit---if I rest on my laurels and not work a program of rigorous honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness. These are some of my defects of character that are outside in the parking lot doing exercises while I'm inside at a meeting:
1. sarcasm, criticism, judging myself and others as if I am GOD, the Creator, and like I know what's best for everybody
2. manipulating, hidden agenda's, "using" people, places and things without regard or value of their intrinsic worth
3. withhold my love, trust, kind words, hugs, attention, sincerity, intimacy, prayers
4. controlling, dominating, spotlight on "me", hogging attention, look how "special" I am, neglecting others and myself
5. dishonesty, lying by omission, bald-faced lying, denial
6. fears real or imagined... I/you/we don't have enough or have too much, I/you/we might win/succeed/make it or lose/fail/might not make it
7. justification, rationalization, excuses, reasons, covering up mine or other people's mistakes
8. acting
inconsiderate, not on time, all for me or all for you, greedy, selfish, self-centered, wasting time, money. energy, effort
9. stubbornness, close-minded, pig-headed, rigid, opinionated, condescension, patronizing
10. gossiping, character assassination, kill a person, place or thing's reputation, one-upsmanship, put down others so I can feel bigger or better or smarter or ______
11. jealousy, coveting, wanting what other's have, diminishing my worth and whatever I may have as unworthy by comparing to others, fixating, obsessing, minimizing and maximizing
12. arrogance as I criticize GOD's creations made in GOD's likenesses...intellectualizing, isolating, social withdrawal, separation, excluding

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