Monday, September 10, 2012

The Best Game in Town

For me, the best Recovery game is the 12 Steps. It has done for me what nothing else has ever done.  I can play all the B.S. games I want and use up my present moments wasting away, mired in the technicalities of penalties, errors and strikes.  Or I can stop the B.S. and start hitting home-runs.  With the help of my Higher Power I am in The Zone, The Flow.  I let go and let God.  Like Confucius say,  "The inspired person hits the mark..................................................................without taking aim."

If I don't know which Step or slogan to use, I'll usually use the basic of "1, 2, 3" or the Serenity Prayer.  If that doesn't work I pick up the phone, or I'll do what Bill W. did and is written about over and over in the big book of "Alcoholics Anonymous".  Nothing else helps as much as reaching-out and helping another alcoholic, Al-anon, etc.  That is the Knock-Out Punch.  The dis-ease doesn't stand a chance.  I guarantee you it works for me every time.  This action helps take me out of my head which can be a dangerous place when left to my own intellectual resources instead of trusting and relying on my Higher Power.

The 12 Steps game is simplicity on a dynamic level.  But I have the history of making it sooooooo complex because I want to analyze and understand it, to know exactly what I'm doing and why I'm doing it before completely giving myself over to this simple program.  It's like sticking my big toe in the water and gauging how cold it's going to be, preparing for the big jump.

It's all in taking the leap.  Jump!  The saying is, "Take the leap, then the net appears".  I once heard Joyce Meyers talk about how most ordinary people can broad-jump about 6 feet and world class athletes jump about 17 feet.  But neither one can jump over the Grand Canyon.  So it is in the Spirit.  We need our Higher Power's love, power and grace to make it to the other side.

The thing is, way down deep in the back recesses of my mind is the sneaky belief I'm not good enough, I'll never get it, other people are but not me.  The thought was implanted like a seed in me by others and I've nurtured it for years.  I took care of it long after they stopped.  The 12 Steps help me see it for what it is and to weed it out so my beautiful flowers get a chance to grow, to bloom.

Yeah!  I love the Steps...they work every time...if I just work it.  Sincerely, Carol xoxox


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