Friday, October 19, 2012

A Power Greater than our Selves

The conflict about a Higher Power comes up inevitably in some way or another.  For me, the realizations throughout the years is I bestowed designated persons, places or things with the honor or dishonor of being my Higher Power.  Apparently I'm not unique.  How many of us have made alcohol, drugs, food, sex, another person (spouse, significant other, children, grandchildren, etc.), money, anger, intellect, _______(fill in the blank) etc. our Higher Power?   I know a lot of the time I just can't see it.  I'm standing way too close to the tree and can't see the forest.

I no sooner stop giving my power away then immediately give it to somebody or something else.  Jeesh.  I notice I give it away the moment I'm reacting.
react  (rɪˈækt) 
— vb  (foll by against )
1.intr foll by  to, upon etc (of a person or thing) to act inresponse to another person, a stimulus, etc, or (of two peopleor things) to act together in a certain way act in an opposing or contrary manner
3.intr physics  to exert an equal force in the oppositedirection to an acting force
4.chem  to undergo or cause to undergo a chemical reaction

The 12 Steps are about taking action, not reaction.  The action I'm taking is consciously, deliberately choosing to connect to a Higher Power by working the Steps instead of reacting when I'm stimulated to react in the same old way, whatever it is.  Whether it's compulsively spending money, drinking alcohol or Pepsi, taking a pain pill, fixating on the past, taking other people's inventory, comparing them to me, gossiping, getting in the last word, a compulsive need to be right or to defend, raging, crying "poor me" or whatever other discharge comes to mind.


Who or what is my Higher Power?  I, only I, can make this choice, this decision.

I heard one person say the only way he could see his Higher Power was as energy, like electricity---you don't really have to know how it works to flip a light switch.  Another one said for the longest time her shower curtain was her Higher Power.  She said she would drop the seat down on the toilet, sit on it then talk at length to the shower curtain. Many have said when they go to a meeting that the group is their Higher Power.

For me, my Higher Power is holding the moon and the stars up in the sky.  My Higher Power is the glue that holds us all together.  From the largest to the very, very smallest sub-atomic, quantum nano-second, multi-verse possibility.  My Higher Power is greater, smarter, quicker, stronger, etc. than me or you.  And it loves us all.   I submit to this Higher Power I choose to call "GOD".  This is who I pray Creator from whence I came and will return to.

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