Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Prison, I mean, Prism (Freudian slip)

I live with an illness that requires I take daily action of treatment to keep it in remission.  I believe it is incurable.  I will have it until the day I die.  My treatment is the 12 Steps program which addresses this spiritual malady.  It's said working the program is the easier, softer way.  I believe it.

I have years and years of experience living in the disease and even though today my life may not be perfect, it's better than before when I had no clue on how to live Life on Life's terms.  Forcing solutions, acting as if I was the solution to mine and other people's problems, etc.

What fascinates me about this spiritual malady is how multifaceted it is, like a prism, a crystal spinning, spewing, scattering, and splitting a full spectrum of light into separate distinct problems but all coming from one source.  I think I got a lot of problems but it turns out there are even more, more, more which stem from one.
I seem to have the uncanny ability with this keen intellectual mind to complicate the heck out of things.  Working the Steps helps me stop doing this.  I learn to rely on a single source, one solution to all my problems, no matter how little or big.  The Higher Power is the solution every time.  The Steps lead me to where I need to be...connected to my H.P.

There is a reason there are 12 Steps and a reason they are numbered.  It's suggested to work them in order (except the 11th Step can be worked at any time) and to work ALL of them.  LOL  Now, if only I remember that when I need it most!  Sincerely, Carol  xoxox

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