Sunday, October 14, 2012

It's about Progress, not Perfection

Thankfully.  It's about progress, not perfection.  I am far from perfect, make plenty of mistakes, drop the ball, flounder once in awhile, get off track, swerve off the straight and narrow, or whatever else it can be called.  Some of the things I l-o-v-e are the acceptance and forgiveness built-in the 12 Step's program.  If and when I do make a mistake, instead of a chance to punish myself or others, it is an opportunity to work the Steps and strengthen the spiritual muscles.  Again and again.

My experience is the quicker I pick up the tools, the quicker I get in the solution, the quicker I am where I need to be...walking hand-in-hand with my Higher Power.

My daughter and son-in-law flew in Friday night.  I thought they were coming back Sunday night and I was supposed to be their ride from the airport.  Jeesh. Talk about dropping the ball!  Plus they kept calling me and my phone was on vibrate.   They called Sho but his phone was in the bedroom while he was watching TV in the living room.  Finally he checked his voicemail then informed me about their arrival.  I scrambled to get dressed and went to pick them up.

Pre-program my reaction and response would be to blame me or them for things not going smoothly.  Fingerpointing, guilt trips,and shaming in playing the blame game.  Somebody would have to pay for any mistake, error, sin. Today what is different is I accept my part in any mis-communication or mis-step...not theirs...mine.  And I own it instead of smearing it around.  Jeesh.  Plus I quit holding my breath waiting for others to take responsibility.  That is none of my business.  It's between them and their Higher Power.  What a relief!  I'm very busy cleaning up my side of the street instead of judging, criticizing, controlling, dominating, pointing out other people's character defects, taking their inventory, etc.

Well, Stitch went home.  Already we miss him but I''m glad to get some sleep.  Now it's just Elvis waking me up.

Still, what a privilege to be here, on this Earth, at this day at a time, sometimes one minute at a time, and most certainly, one step at a time...Sincerely, Carol xoxox

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