Friday, October 5, 2012

Not a victim---a volunteer

I'm picking up my grandchildren on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings from now on...or I might need to renegotiate this.  Plus I'm dogsitting Stitch for a week.  I'm w-w-ay off my usual sleep pattern.  First Elvis was waking me up now they are taking turns, like changing of the guards except it's changing of the dogs.  I dare not let them out one comes back inside then the other strolls out.  Jeesh.  At this point I am not a victim, I am a volunteer.

Since this is temporary I know this, too, will pass.  Early this morning as I drove the grandchildren to school, I saw a sign at a church that said, "Dear Lord, please help me have a good attitude today."  I agree.  Step 1...

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