Monday, October 1, 2012

Keep Coming Back

One of the slogans of the 12 Steps program is "Keep coming back".  This is said so many times and is very powerful to hear.  I needed to hear it when I first came and so many years later...I still need to hear it.  The power lies in the welcome, the acceptance and the love given to us by people who truly have an intimate knowledge of what we have been through and accept us unconditionally.

This program is not for everyone who needs is for those who want it.  AA's 3rd Tradition says, "The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop drinking."  Jeesh.  We don't even have to stop.

It's also very important for me to remember to extend the same warm welcome to others, like the ones given to me.  Shake a hand, give a hug, a welcoming smile.  Extend myself to reach out and connect with the newcomer, the visitor, or the same old faces I see at the meetings.

As far as I'm concerned, I like to believe I am one of the lucky ones.  The chosen, I've heard it said.  LOL  On page 17 of "Alcoholics Anonymous" it's written about how we have found  "a common solution. We have a way out on which we can absolutely agree, and upon which we can join in brotherly and harmonious action. This is the great news this book carries to those who suffer".   A key out of the maze or labyrinth of addiction which we completely accept in feeling, attitude, and action.  The 12 Steps.

I am no longer alone.  Thank GOD.  Love, Carol xoxox  

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