Wow. Yesterday was a-m-a-z-i-n-g. I worked on my garden and I also worked on a roll-around contraption container garden I asked Sho to help me create. I weeded some, then planted seeds, wrote notes on graph paper as a reminder of what was planted where, etc. My goodness, gardening is great exercise and hopefully there will be the pleasure of enjoying fruits and vegetables for our labor, GOD-willing.

Last night I slept really well then Elvis woke me up because he wanted to go outside. I opened the front door and he went to do his nocturnal explorations while I went back to bed but not right back to sleep. So I picked up my Kindle, did some of the Criss-Cross Word puzzle then later read some of "The Fifth Agreement" until Elvis wanted back inside and finally I went back to sleep.
This morning I am crickety, a little stiff but I feel alive, invigorated, like I want to do more on the garden but I know to honor my body's limitations because experience has shown me when I push too hard it's better I act disciplined than compulsive. Hard to describe the difference, kind of like if I close one eye I can see, shut that one then open the other, I can still see but when I see with both eyes we're talking a difference in perception.
Anyway, my daughter called and I must leave to go meet her. GOD bless and keep you throughout this day! Love, Carol xoxox
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