Saturday, March 16, 2013

Said "Good morning, GOD"---even though didn't believe in GOd

I read about how this person didn't believe in GOD and was instructed to just "say 'Good morning, GOD.' every morning even if you don't believe it." then with time, came to believe. (page 81, "As We Understood").

I can relate to this because I remember struggling with doubt there was a god, much less, The GOD Almighty Creator.  I feared not believing and I feared believing.  Either way I felt screwed.  Mainly because of early childhood experiences where the word "god" was used to punish, abuse me.  "In the name of God" blah, blah, blah.

When I arrived to the rooms of the 12 Steps I heard people say, "Act as if" and I am one of those who definitely needed to hear this.  It gave me hope that maybe, just maybe, with time I would have what they had...a personal relationship with GOD.

I prayed to GOD, wrote letters to GOD, did the "Let Go and Let GOD" dance many times.  And really didn't believe, understand or embrace the idea of a "higher" anything.  It has really been a long process for me.  I've come a l-o-n-g way.  :)  Yeah!

I've come to believe there is a Power greater than me, you and everybody else that has it all covered.  Smarter, Stronger, Faster, More Magnificent, Stupendous, Colossal, Glorious, Majestic, Breath-takingly Beautiful, Compassionate, Merciful, Profoundly Loving...mere words cannot I bow my head...

Dear Sweet Lord GOD Almighty, thank YOU, thank YOU, thank You!  Love, Carol xoxox

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