Saturday, March 2, 2013

The GOD Line

Well, I am now back online...yeah!

You know, blogging is its own way I can see where my ego was trying to build itself whenever the number of visitors increased and it deflated accordingly whenever the visits decreased.  Jeesh.  The honor, privilege, opportunity, etc. to share the journey and process of recuperation from a deadly spiritual disease with physical manifestations in the natural was starting to become second to how many visits the blog had.  The joy of service was diminishing its glow while the shadows cast by my ego started to loom large...maybe, just maybe, the keyboard and computer problems were a way to see where I was heading.

I've increased reading literature mainly in AA and Alanon on a daily basis, setting pen to paper in journaling, and praying to the Higher Power throughout the day.  I go to meetings on Saturdays and listen to online meetings every day, even while driving my car.   I've come a long way and I have a long way to step at a time.

Today my goal is to pay attention to avoid crossing the GOD line, keep the focus on me so I Mind My Own Business, stop using other people's lives as an excuse to neglect my own, to be of service by asking GOD for guidance and support, and to stay humble by remembering---WHO'S LARGE AND IN CHARGE?

Dear GOD, thank YOU for the multiple blessings YOU bestow.  How lovely to listen to an owl gently hooting on this cold, still morning and also hear an occasional chirping bird singing its song.  YOU are The Most Highest.  All glory to YOU.  Thank YOU for the gift of Life.  Sincerely, Carol xoxox

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