Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spinning Plates

I remember when I was a child there was a TV program called "The Ed Sullivan Show".  I loved to watch it because Mr. Sullivan, who seemed to me to be stoic, staid and tightly self-controlled, always had different acts, bands and people like The Beatles, Sonny and Cher, comics, etc.  One night, there was an act where a man had dinner plates spinning.  As tense circus-like music played, he hurriedly ran back and forth as he kept those plates whirling.  Wow.  That was cool.

I used to think I could do Life in the same way.  I had a lot of "plates" spinning but I never really stopped to fully appreciate, attentively appreciate each individual endeavor because I lost myself in the pressure and stress of managing, controlling all of it.  Even though I sure broke a lot of "plates", some precious, through the years, I kept trying to do it all at a great cost.  My sanity, serenity, and happiness.  Jeesh.  That was the old way.

The new way for me is to pick up a few spiritual tools and apply them, use them, in my life, in all my spinning relationships.  Relationships with GOD, me, other people, my job, my co-workers, finances, ambitions, etc.  And to stop the spinning.  I no longer have anything to prove to anybody about anything.  My life is not a circus act.  It is a gift from GOD.  It is a privilege to be here, to embrace and celebrate the awesome, glorious beauty of being here.  What an honor to share this time, space and energy with GOD and with you.  Wow.

Dear Higher Power, that which is Greater Than All of Us put together, thank YOU.  Love, Carol xoxox

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