Thursday, March 28, 2013

Living in a Virtual World Created by Moi

I've been reading "The Fifth Agreement" at night before bedtime.  I like how the ideas/perspectives in this book challenge me to expand my repertoire of living life as a human being.  Fascinating.  It seems to me amazing the idea we live most of our lives in our heads, in a virtual world we create.  How many of us do otherwise?

I work on staying out of my head by staying in the moment, staying grounded in my body, reality in the present...feel my toes flexing in my shoes, breathe in deeply to "smell" the moment, etc.  But no sooner an elastic I'm back in there. Thank GOD, it's about progress and not perfection. LOL

Well, one simply mahvelous, dahling
gift of working the Steps is I can let go of the illusions of "control" and enjoy life on life's day at a time.  Really breathe it in.  Relax.  What a peaceful, serene feeling.

Dear Higher Power, YOU are so amazingly wonderful, powerful, ALL-This and That plus a bag of potato chips.  Thank YOU for all YOUR gifts YOU shower on us all, the so-called "good" and the so-called "bad".  Please show me the way to do YOUR Will, Lord, in all my relationships.  As YOU Will, Lord.  Love, Carol xoxox

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