Wednesday, April 3, 2013

All on GOD's Time

Well, yesterday my laptop went on a blitz and no matter what I did it wouldn't work so I finally removed the battery and left it alone.  This morning I inserted the battery  and it is working just fine...jeesh.  I kept trying to force it to work, to no avail.

It's like my recovery process.  I'm a gung-ho, gotta get it done, hurry up, push, push, push my growth but that way of doing things doesn't seem to work.  It's like getting a rosebud and trying to force it to open right now, no patience, time or tolerance.  Immediate gratification.  Because I want it right now...and my experience is this attitude doesn't work.  I'm more play like I'm GOD, like I know what's best, like I am the judge, jury and executioner of love, life and liberty when in reality...GOD is the Director and running the whole show.  Thank GOD.  Every time I forget, guess what?  I get another chance to remember.  Let Go and Let GOD.  Easy Does It.  One Day at a Time.  Let it begin with me.  Keep the focus on me.  Live and Let Live.  First thing first.  On and on....

We're the lucky ones.  Those of us still here.  We get one more chance, another opportunity to fine-tune our spirituality, our connection and proper relationships with our Higher Power, ourselves, and each other.  Yeah!!!!!  The saying is, "Any day above ground is a good day."  We have the gift of Life.  May we embrace and share in the celebration, the exuberance of living in the moment, the here-and-now.  We...not "me, me, me".  LOL

Dear Sweet Lord GOD Almighty Creator of All, I love YOU and thank YOU for loving me.  YOU are the Greatest, the Most Highest, Awesomest of All that Was-Is-Will Be-and Might Be.  Thank YOU for the gifts of Life YOU bestow on us all.  May we lift our sunflower hearts to face YOUR shining LOVE Light so we grow and blossom in the Spirit.  As YOU Will.  Love, Carol xoxox

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