Saturday, April 13, 2013

Detachment with Love

Wow.  Talk about humbling.  The readings this morning took me on a wild journey of epiphanies, harrowing adventures of wows, etc!  This stuff excites me.  I'm thrilled to discover these golden nuggets of wisdom embedded in the literature and absolutely l-o-v-e to pass it on!

In Day by Day it talked about how "all of us have two stages that we perform on.  One stage is public---what we do and what we say.  The other stage is private---what we think and what we rehearse in our minds to do on the public stage...To keep growing and building our character, we need to rehearse kindness, patience and love.  We need to rehearse GOD consciousness in our lives."

In Daily Reflections, "Self-pity is one of the most unhappy and consuming defects that we know.  It is a bar to all spiritual progress and cut-off all effective communication with our fellows because of its inordinate demands for attention and sympathy.  It is a maudlin form of martyrdom, which we can ill afford." A quote from As Bill Sees It, p.238

One Day at a Time in Alanon, "I pray to be relieved of the compulsion to worry about the past, and that I may not let my pessimism paint black pictures of what may happen tomorrow."

Hope for Today, "Choosing love means I stay away from physically, emotionally, or spiritually unhealthy situations.  I no longer accept unacceptable behavior.  I love myself and care about myself enough to walk away from hurtful people and relationships.  I look at my part in situations, own my mistakes, and change my behavior.  Choosing love means I accept and embrace my humanity and that of others.  Then, with my Higher Power's help, I can see defects and weaknesses with compassion, which brings me release, joy, and serenity."

Courage to Change, "The highest form of wisdom is kindness." quote from The Talmud

Alanon 12 &12, p. 80, "forgive a hurt rather than hold a grudge".

My favorite...In all our affairs, p.73, "Detachment with love sometimes means loving ourselves enough to suspend blame, fear, guilt, and self-pity long enough to separate the problem from ourselves, until we can clarify our options and responsibilities, identify how we are contributing to the problem, and let go of the rest."  "Some of us spend hours cataloging injustices and have endless conversations with people who aren't there.  Or we turn on ourselves, attacking with such weapons as shame, guilt, self-hatred, and doubt." "Our thoughts lead us to believe that we are not good enough, that our circumstances aren't good enough, that we don't have enough and don't do enough, and that we are victims without reason to hope.  Even after years of recovery, we may badger ourselves..."  In the long run, however, many of us found that whether the finger points at us or someone else, whenever we attack, we lose."  "Negative thoughts can divert us from working on ourselves, our true feelings, and our responsibilities.  In time, these thoughts can be as destructive for us as alcohol is for the alcoholic."


Dear Sweet Lord GOD Almighty Creator, wow, wow, wow!  YOU're a-w-e-s-o-m-e!  Thank YOU.  Lord, please help me to be of service to YOU and my brothers and sisters.
 Love, Carol xoxox

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