Monday, April 15, 2013

Service...a 6 letter word with hundreds of opportunities

I told my Alanon sponsor I see myself as a mother pelican regurgitating all the spiritual food I gather from the literature, meetings, etc.  Hey, this is an improvement.  From such low self-esteem chained to negativity that I had nothing to offer anyone to the happiness of freedom in believing I have something beneficial to give, to pass on to others is a huge leap.  Yeah!  I'm being of service!

***Busy doing a spiritual dance, hips swinging side to side, lifting face up, hands waving to the wind, singing with raised voice,  thanking the Higher Power***...all in my head.  :-) LOL

Anyway, I've heard that being of service is different for everybody.  Some people like to do service  work by public speaking, or working as a board member, trustees, or sponsoring 20 people at the same time or 1 at a time, or helping with the literature, sweeping the floor, wiping tables, setting up the chairs, etc.  It's all good.  Whatever we do to help is important.  We're all parts of the whole, the unity.  

Dear Higher Power, thank YOU for the multiple opportunities YOU provide for service.  I pray for knowledge of YOUR Will and the courage, strength, wisdom, and the willingness to ACCEPT and TO DO IT.  Love, Carol xoxox  

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