Most physical, mental, medical, etc. problems were either denied, minimized, rationalized. My mom swore by BC powder, my dad by Mycitracin (a forerunner of Neosporin) and any other ills the local curandera would advise on how to proceed or perhaps a quick visit to a neighborhood store, El Porvenir, where a vast assortment of salves, perfumes, tonics, spices and exotic cures were available. The smells of pan dulce more than wafted, they dominated. The perfect freshly baked yellow cakes with pink icing, empanadas with apple, pineapple or pumpkin fillings, multicolored sugar cookies, and pig shaped gingerbread. Even the ceiling was full of merchandise like festive colored pinatas, long streamers of crepe paper that a large electric fan blew into a slow dance of peace and in the background a radio softly playing songs of Tejano music. Quite an experience.

Working the 12 Step program is different than having no program. Whereas my life had become a black and white motif of nothing changes if nothing changes it all changed when I arrived into these rooms. When I came to the 12 Steps, went to meetings, practiced these principles (H.O.W.) in all my affairs, prayed and meditated, connected to my Higher Power to start or re-start the day, read the literature, reached out to others, etc. my life changed into a brilliantly colorful array of infinite possibilities. Quite an experience to know the difference. For the grace of GOD I'm deeply grateful.
Dear Sweet Higher Power, thank YOU for all. Please help me stay in the Sunlight of YOUR Spirit and to be of service to YOU and YOUR Creation. As YOU Will. Love, Carol xoxox
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