Saturday, April 27, 2013

That Place where that which is Greater than me Is

I read this morning in As We Understood, p.149-150, about a person who wanted to have a "spiritual experience with rushing and a bright light" but feared the only way to have one was to be in the depths of despair.  Apparently there were a couple of "near-misses" which just stirred fear and so shied away from the desire to experience one.  Then...

"Several years passed, and one night I was alone in a motel room lying on the bed.  I began to have a feeling of leaving my body.  I stayed right there, in the room, but I was just thoughts with no body.  I began a dialogue, silently, with someone or something not myself.  I have no idea of its gender, tone, or shape, but the voice was clear and spoke in English.  I felt clean and cool.  I communicated my concerns silently, and we discussed each in turn.  No matter what degree of seriousness I placed on individual concerns, each was treated equally.

The end result of each discussion was that everything would work out; no matter what trouble I thought I had, it really wasn't trouble.  It was just a passage of time, with no good or bad value placed on it.  I could see that my life was all right, that I didn't have to plan beyond any event and that each incident in life is important.  The present is what matters.  Then, right after my thoughts returned to my body, I felt I could transcend everyday upsets from now on and live with the same spiritual tranquility I had been experiencing.  To do this, all I had to do is believe as I did then:  that every event in my life, no matter what importance I placed upon it, is spiritual, as is my mind.  I experienced a great freedom.  There was no fear, no concern, no tenseness, just a tranquil mental and emotional calm, a peaceful expectancy of existence."

Anyway, I l-o-v-e the description of this person's experience!  This remind's me of Victor Frankel who was a Jewish psychiatrist and lived in a concentration camp during the Holocaust.  He seemed to describe the same phenomena experienced by those who survived...

In my everyday life, this is kind of where I go at will...I experience this space similar in that it exists inside of me but outside and outside of me but inside at the same time.  I call it "That Place where that which is Greater than me is".  It's so subtle but obviously different, kind of like winking your eyes back and forth.  You can still "see" but there is a difference.

I go there to connect, plug-in.  That's exactly what the Steps do for me.  Plug me in.  They take me there.  As a result...

Dear Sweet Lord GOD Creator, YOU're awesomely wonderful and the works of YOUR Hands so movingly great.  Thank YOU for the precious gift of Life and thank YOU for the opportunities YOU give us all to be of service to YOU and my spiritual brothers and sisters.  Love, Carol xoxox

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